Smart city

Tampere region is home for national strategic development programme “Smart Tampere 2017-2021”. The program aims for creating innovative, digital and sustainable smart city solutions together with companies, research institutions, other municipalities and residents. A total of 26 joint experiments have been completed, 11 of which have also been integrated as a more permanent element in the city’s operations.
Tramway Ratikka Tampere-talo © Laura Vanzo/Visit Tampere

Professional training programs

Smart City concept

Business to the Smart City. Creating ecosystem.

Electronic city services for residents. From pilot to implementation. Best cases.

Smart city for sustainable future: housing, living, mobility, energy and consumption

Channels of citizens participation in creating digital solutions for the city

Tampereen Kaupunki Liikkumisen helppous © Laura Vanzo/ Visit Tampere
  • standard program includes: lectures, organisational visits, meeting experts, touristic component
  • program duration and contents are adjusted to the demand and qualification level of the customer
  • possible to include business matchmaking
  • group size requirements are 10-30 people
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